Thematic program: Mathematical Biology

March 4 - June 14, 2013
Lyon, France

Evolutionary biology > Evolutionary biology


"Biological invasions and evolutionary biology, stochastic and deterministic models"

Lyon, March 11-15, 2013

The main topics to be highlighted during the workshop are

  • mathematical models for evolutionary biology (deterministic models and stochastic processes)
  • adaptive dynamics
  • invasive species

Recent progresses have been made in the modeling of biological invasions and evolution, from deterministic and stochastic viewpoints. New mathematical tools allow for handling increasing levels of complexity in the models. This includes the influence of climate change, evolutionary changes among species during invasion, evolution in heterogeneous environments. Various effects can now be qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed in the models.

This workshop will gather theoretical biologists and applied mathematicians in order to compare models and methodologies and to enrich the state of the art in the domain of evolutionary biology. 

A round-table meeting will be held on Tuesday 12 (17:00-19:00) to discuss prospects for mathematics applied to ecology and evolutionary processes.

A poster session will hold on Thursday 14 (17:00-19:00).

The conference will take place in

Amphithéatre Camille Jordan, Bâtiment Braconnier,

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Campus de la Doua, Lyon.

 Please refer to the Visitor's information/How to come to Lyon webpage for information about how to reach the place.

List of speakers (Clicking on one name gives the abstract of the corresponding talk):

This conference is part of the international program "Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013"
and funded in part by the "laboratoire d'excellence" MILYON, an initiative from the French Ministry of Research
and supported by the ARP "MathsInTerre", an initiative from the French National Research Agency.
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 This conference also has the sponsorship of the GDR MeTiCe and the french "Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles" (SMAI):
logo-cnrs                                       Sponsorship

Organizing committee: Jean Bérard (ICJ, Université Claude Bernard), Vincent Calvez (UMPA, ENS de Lyon) and Gaël Raoul (CEFE, CNRS, Montpellier).

Scientific committee: Régis Ferrière (ENS Paris and University of Arizona), Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin (University of Maryland) and Sylvie Méléard (Ecole Polytechnique).

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